
Earn additional income by trading Renewable EnergyCertificates today

You deserve to be rewarded for producing green energy, what are you waiting for?
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Rewarding Energy Creators

Earn RECs for producing green energy

As a green energy producer you are eligible to earn additional income by registering and earning Renewable Energy Certificates which are easily tradable on the Fuel Switch exchange. Get rewarded for producing green energy.


Streamlined process to register

We take care of your registration with your registry of choice who authenticate your RECs. Once your RECs are authenticated they are available in your wallet to trade.

You can donate your RECs to social
impact projects

Be a source of income for impact projects with strong programs. directly contribute to rural empowerment such as electrification. Our blockchain technology ensures total transparency and visibility of your contribution to social upliftment. You choose which project you want to support and you have the assurance that the funds are applied as intended.
Some of the REC generators on Fuel Switch